3 Rare Dimes And Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $Ninety Million Dollars Each Are Still in Circulation

Have you ever wondered if the spare change rattling around in your pocket could be worth a fortune? Believe it or not, there are rare coins still floating through everyday transactions that could be worth a jaw-dropping $90 million each. That’s right—three rare dimes and a rare Bicentennial quarter are still out there, waiting to … Read more

12 Valuable American Nickels in Circulation

When you think of valuable coins, the first ones that might come to mind are gold or silver. But did you know that some nickels can also be worth a small fortune? That’s right! There are specific American nickels still in circulation today that are worth far more than their face value. These rare nickels … Read more

Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $7 Million: 7 More Worth Over $50 Million USD

If you’ve ever flipped through your spare change and wondered whether that old quarter you found could be worth something, you might want to double-check again. There’s a rare Bicentennial Quarter that’s making waves in the world of numismatics and could be worth a staggering $7 million! In fact, there are seven more quarters out … Read more